MacBeth Colorado Shakespeare FestivalDirector: Wendy M. FranzScenic Designer: Matthew S. CraneProps Designer: Jay DuckworthProps Artisan: Lewis BethunePhoto Credits: Jennifer Koskinen/Jamie Kraus Post-apocalyptic wine cups, made with scrap materials. Bottle and tray made by other members of the team. Lord MacBeth throne(s), construction assistance by A. Corkell. Picture here before painting. Right: Lady MacBeth throne with paint step one. Left: Lord MacBeth throne with paint step two. Wine cups made of recycled/scrap materials. Started with aluminum can bases, then added strips of fabric, hose, gauze, velcro, twine, etc. Finished by securely tying on various handle shaped hardware. Applying the final tinted gloss to the thrones. PVC poles painted/sealed to look like wood. Finished rocks, completed by A. Corkell. Pyrotechnics were loaded onto the front of wagon, which necessitated run crew fire watch and frequent checks to prevent damage to the wagon. Base wagon for a large cauldron, meant to look like a raised rock. Wagon was built by the scenic team, and then foam was used to style out the rocks. The foam shapes were then glued, trimmed, sanded and coated with cheesecloth and a special thickened paint treatment. "Leafy screens" to represent the entrance of the Forest. Removed leaves from real branches, then secured fake, autumnal and non-flammable, leaves to the branches. There were a total of nine branches. The leaves fell off over the course of the run and had to be resecured several time. We were originally using thin strips of gaff tape, but had to switch to floral wire to prevent the constant damage. Handwritten letter in custom, modified half-uncial hand.